Chakras are energetic fields of the body that correspond to various aspects of our lives. Chakras keep energy flowing and help us maintain wellness on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Sometimes these wheels of energy can become unbalanced, blocked, or shut down. We can work with our chakras through meditation, yoga, rieki, and other methods. Crystals and gemstones can facilitate the process. The list below is a basic introduction to chakras, their responsibilities, and which stones maybe helpful.

Crown Chakra
The seventh, or crown chakra, resonates with the color violet. This power center merges us with universal energy and wisdom, acting as our mainline to higher powers. When active and balanced, it helps us connect deeply to our spirituality and consciousness. Crown chakra stones include clear quartz, amethyst, charoite, and moonstone.

Third Eye/Brow Chakra

Deep indigo blue resonates with the third eye (sixth) chakra. Our intuition is centered at our third eye, so balancing and clearing this chakra helps us maintain clarity, and utilize our intuition in daily activities as well as challenging situations.  Maintaining  this chakra can increase extrasensory perception.  Balancing and healing stones for the third eye include amethyst, lapis lazuli, and fluorite.

Throat Chakra
The throat (fifth) chakra resonates with blue. The throat chakra is the energy center for self-expression. A balanced throat chakra helps us express our truth in a productive manner, and rules our creative expression. Use aquamarine, sodalite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, celestite, and larimar.

Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is our fourth chakra and is connected to love, relationships, compassion, and personal growth. Consciously working to balance the heart chakra can help with emotional ups and downs and growing pains – not matter what age we are.  This chakra is connected to the color green. Heart Stones include amazonite, aventurine, malachite, peridot, rubellite, and rose quartz.

Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus is the third chakra where our will is centered. It is the home of our stamina. It supports and sustains our mental activities, intellect, and personal power. The solar plexus resonates with the color yellow. Solar plexus stones include citrine, yellow opal, jaspar, and pyrite.

Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located just below the naval and rules our gut instinct, creativity, emotions, and sexuality. When the sacral chakra is out of balance, we may become emotional, disconnected, or unable to listen to our gut reactions. We may lack sexual energy, or feel numb or “stuck.” Balancing this chakra can result in a deeper connection to the earth, friends and family, and humanity in general. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra,  and stones include sunstone, tiger’s eye, carnelian, and citrine.

Root Chakra
The root chakra is our first chakra. It is our means of staying grounded, and our connection to the earth. It is the energetic source of safety and survival. The root chakra resonates with the color red. Red is a color of power and passion: for example, it can represent love or rage. This dichotomy should be kept in mind when working with the root chakra. Stones include garnet, red jasper, smokey quartz, black onyx, and obsidian.

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